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Dalea capitata 'Sierra Gold'

Dalea Sierra Gold

Plant photo of: Dalea capitata 'Sierra Gold'
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Information by: George Hull MSN        Photographer: Mountain States Nursery



Small usually evergreen groundcover-like shrub to 1' high and 3' wide. Abundant late spring to summer yellow spikes blooming into fall. Full Sun, Drought Tolerant. Best to cut to ground periodically in spring to induce new luxurious growth. Rabbits seem to avoid. Well drained sites. Mexican native. Can look scruffy in winter. Moderate growth rate.


Plant Type

Ground cover

Height Range

Under 1'

Flower Color

Gold, Yellow

Flower Season

Spring, Fall

Leaf Color

Green, Light Green

Bark Color


Fruit Color


Fruit Season



Full, Half


Low, Medium

Growth Rate


Soil Type

Sandy, Loam, Rocky, Unparticular

Soil Condition

Average, Poor, Well-drained

Soil pH

Neutral, Basic

Adverse Factors

Attracts Bees

Design Styles

Ranch, Spanish, Wild Garden

Accenting Features

Showy Flowers

Seasonal Interest

Spring, Fall

Location Uses

Entry, Perennial Border, Parking Strip, Patio, With Rocks

Special Uses

Erosion Control, Filler, Mass Planting, Naturalizing, Small Spaces

Attracts Wildlife


Water Saving Tip:

Weather changes - so should your watering schedule. Be sure to make seasonal watering adjustments at a minimum.